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Welcome to Cyberxploit Hausa Page

Welcome to Cyberxploit Hausa Page

Yazeed Ahmed

Hi there my name is Yazeed Ahmed and i’m happy You are here😁

You are visitor number

GIF Red teaming at night and Blue teaming by day.😅 I am a Penetration Tester & Self-taught Programmer and Bug Hunter with keen interest in Security Researching and Network auditing. I also specialize in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). During my free time, i create content on youtube and i enjoy messing around with my homelab, Coding simple projects, reading technical blogs, bug reports and current affairs. I enjoy playing CTF’s with the Hausa-Hackers team where i majorly focus on Web apps, general and forensics challenges etc.

As part of my Job (detecting an catching the bad guys), i contribute to the Hausa Community by sharing my knowledge as an instructor at: Hausa Academy, Yusmu-IT, North-Demy



Technologies That I have used

Operating Systems & Virtualisation Software

Linux Windows Docker VMware VirtualBox

Web Server’s & CMS Familiar with

Apache nginx wordpress joomla

Coding Arsenal

Vim Vscode Sublime

Programming & Scripting

python html css js php


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A little about myself:

  • 🐳 I’m open for any business related to my area of specialization
  • 🐞 I’m currently learning Malware Analysis, Active Directory, DevOps & Automation
  • 🤔 I also have premium content which based on OSINT, BugBounty Hunting
  • 📫 How to reach me: Twitter, LinkedIn
  • 🙎🏾‍♂️ Pronouns: He/Him
  • ❤ I love: Qur’an, Adventure, Anime and networking